
How to Get Rid of Mold in Houseplant Soil

  • 5 min read

How to Get Rid of Mold in Your Houseplant, Mold in Houseplant

If you wake up one day to find a white, fuzzy patch on top of your houseplant soil, it's likely that you're facing a common problem that many plant owners encounter: mold. Mold is a type of fungus that thrives in moist, stagnant, and humid environments, making the soil of potted plants an ideal breeding ground. The appearance of mold also indicates that your houseplant might have too much moisture and excess watering. 

If left untreated, mold in houseplant soil can have a negative impact on the health and growth of your plants. It can block air and water from reaching the roots, leading to root rot and eventually plant death. Additionally, mold spores can spread and cause respiratory issues for both humans and pets. It's important to treat mold growth as soon as it appears and prevent it from returning. 

[Why Does Mold Appear?]Why Does Mold Appear in Houseplant Soil?

Mold in houseplant soil occurs when the growing conditions are favorable for fungal growth. The main cause of mold growth in houseplant soil is excessive moisture from overwatering

mold on houseplant, how to get rid of mold on houseplant soil, white mold on indoor plant, houseplant care guide
Mold on houseplant

Some other causes of mold in houseplant soil include poor air circulation, low light conditions, and high humidity. When the soil is constantly moist and there's not enough light and air movement, it creates a stagnant environment where mold can grow easily. 

Moreover, for mold to grow, there should be the presence of mold spores in your potting soil. It is possible that your soil or pot was contaminated because of poor sanitation practices. If you reuse pots or planters without properly cleaning and sterilizing them, you may be introducing mold spores and other harmful pathogens to your plants. 

[Types of Mold]Types of Mold in Houseplant Soil

The most common type of mold in houseplant soil is white mold. It usually appears as a fluffy white growth on top of the soil. White mold is caused by a fungus called Sclerotinia sclerotiorum and thrives in cool, humid conditions. 

mold on houseplant, how to get rid of mold on houseplant soil, houseplant care guide
Most common type of mold is white mold

Green mold comes from several types of fungi, including Penicillium and Aspergillus. This type of mold appears as a greenish-gray fuzzy growth on the soil surface and can spread quickly if not treated. 

Black mold is another type of mold that can affect houseplant soil. It is caused by a fungus called Stachybotrys chartarum and is often found in damp, humid areas. Black mold can be dangerous to humans and pets if inhaled. 

[How to Remove Mold]How to Remove Mold from Houseplant Soil

Remove the affected soil

If the mold has only been found in a small area of your plant's soil, the simplest way to address it is to remove the affected soil. Scoop out the moldy soil and replace it with fresh, dry soil. Make sure to discard the moldy soil in a sealed plastic bag to prevent the spread of spores. After removing the affected soil, replace it with fresh, sterile soil and monitor your plant carefully to see if the mold has been completely removed. This is a quick fix if the mold problem is insignificant, but if the mold returns, you may need to consider more intensive measures.

how to get rid of mold on houseplant soil, mold on houseplant soil, houseplant care guide, remove mold on houseplant soil
Removing soil affected by mold


Repotting your houseplant is a more aggressive option for removing mold from the soil. This is especially necessary if the mold is widespread and has not responded to other methods of treatment. Here's how to repot your houseplant to remove mold:

    • Prepare new pot and soil: Choose a new, clean pot and use fresh, sterile potting soil. Avoid using soil from your garden as it can contain mold spores.
    • Remove the plant: Gently remove the plant from its current pot, being careful not to damage the roots.
    • Remove the moldy soil: Shake and rinse off as much of the old soil as possible and discard it in a sealed plastic bag. Use a clean, sharp tool to trim off any damaged roots.
    • Repot the plant: Place the plant in the new pot and fill it with fresh soil.

Use fungicides and natural anti-fungal ingredients

If repotting isn't an option, try using a commercial fungicide or natural anti-fungal ingredients. Make sure you follow the instruction so you don’t overuse fungicides. If you prefer to use natural remedies cinnamon is a wonderful option as it has been shown to inhibit mold growth in soil. Simply sprinkle a small amount of cinnamon on the soil surface once a week until the mold growth has stopped. You can also use baking soda to treat mold in your soil by mixing one tablespoon with a gallon of water and a teaspoon of insecticidal soap and applying the solution to affected areas. Baking soda changes the pH of the soil to make it less suitable for mold growth.  Apple cider vinegar diluted with water is another effective option as it creates an acidic environment that inhibits mold spore growth. 

How to Prevent Mold from Returning

Improve drainage and Avoid overwatering

Controlling the moisture level is crucial to preventing the recurrence of mold, as it thrives in damp environments. Adjusting your watering habits and improving drainage are essential steps. Water your plants only when the top 2 inches of soil feel dry to the touch and drain any excess water to prevent waterlogged soil. Choosing porous soil that doesn’t retain water and a pot with a drainage hole also helps to keep the soil dry and mold-free.

Keep your plant in a bright, airy spot with high air circulation

Make sure your plant is getting adequate airflow and light. If your plant is in a closed-off area, consider moving it to a more open well-lit area to promote better air circulation. Avoid placing your plant in direct sunlight to prevent sunburn. Placing a fan near your houseplants or opening your window can also help circulate the air and reduce the humidity levels around the plants, making it harder for mold to grow. If your room humidity is too high (above 50%), you can use a dehumidifier. 

Don’t overcrowd your plants

Overcrowding plants can create a humid and stagnant environment that is ideal for mold growth. You should:

  • Provide enough space and avoid placing too many plants in a small area
  • Prune regularly to remove dead leaves and improve air circulation around your plants
  • Rotate plants to ensure that all parts of the plant receive adequate light and airflow.
  • Use plant stands to create more space for your plants and improve air circulation around them.

Use a clean pot and sterilized soil

Every time you repot, make sure that the pot is clean and free of any mold or other contaminants. You can clean the pot with soap and water, or use a diluted bleach solution to sanitize it. Sterilized soil is also important as it has been treated to remove any mold spores, bacteria, or pests that may contribute to mold growth. You can purchase sterilized soil at most garden centers or sterilize soil yourself by heating it in the oven at 180-200°F for 30-60 minutes.

Don’t overfertilize your plants

Too much fertilizer can create a buildup of moisture and nutrients in the soil, which can lead to mold growth. Periodically flushing the soil with water also helps to remove excess salts and nutrients that accumulate over time. 

Monitor your plant regularly for early signs of mold growth

Catching mold early can make it easier to remove and prevent it from spreading to other areas of the plant. Keep an eye out for any slimy, discolored, or fuzzy patches on the soil surface or plant leaves. 

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