
Amazing Houseplants for Your Darkest Corners

  • 4 min read

Amazing Houseplants for Your Darkest Corners

Growing plants in your home may seem daunting and even impossible if you live somewhere that isn't the sunniest. Fortunately, there are tons of houseplants out there that thrive in medium to low light levels– here are our favorites!

Snake Plant

The Snake Plant is incredibly versatile and hardy, making it an excellent beginner houseplant. It needs little water and well-draining soil, but unlike most succulents, the Snake Plant isn’t picky about lighting. While keeping it near bright, indirect sunlight is recommended, it also tolerates medium and low light conditions. Keep it near a window, even if the window doesn’t let in much light. 

ZZ Plant

The Zamioculcas zamiifolia, or ZZ Plant, is another excellent leafy addition to any low-light room. Unlike most plants on this list, the ZZ Plant requires medium to low light conditions to thrive. Keep this plant in well-draining soil and cooler temperatures around 65 degrees Fahrenheit. Another drought-tolerant and versatile plant, this slow-grower makes for an excellent starter houseplant!


The Pothos genus is best known for its versatility. Consisting of the Silver SplashGolden Pothos, and the Pothos N’Joy, among others, these plants are highly adaptable to just about any environment. In addition, these plants communicate with their leaves– their leaf color will change depending on how much light they receive. If your Pothos’ leaves are lighter in color, they may need some more sun. To help your Pothos thrive, keep it somewhere it’ll receive indirect sunlight and in a pot with well-draining soil.

Pothos plants, Pothos care guide, low light plant

The Pothos genus consists of the Silver Splash, Golden Pothos, and the Pothos N’Joy.

Spider Plant

Another light-sensitive beginner plant, the Spider Plant requires low to medium light conditions. Like the Pothos, Spider Plants communicate their lighting needs via leaf color. If they’re receiving too much light, the tips of the leaves will turn brown. Spider Plants work best on a high shelf or in a hanging pot where they can trail freely while still receiving indirect sunlight. Like the other plants on this list, your Spider Plant will need water about once a week whenever its soil is dry to the touch. However, it's not too picky with its soil needs, as long as you fertilize it regularly.

English Ivy

Another excellent trailing plant, the English Ivy does best in medium lighting conditions indoors and partial shade if grown outside. As a mid-level houseplant, the English Ivy needs regular watering every 2-4 days but cannot sit in wet soil for extended periods. While more sunlight or a drier environment can help decrease the chances of root rot, planting this vine in well-draining soil will also help. Like the Spider Plant, consider keeping your English Ivy as a hanging or trailing plant on a high shelf for best results.


Not only are Philodendrons some of the best air-purifying plants around, but they’re also great to have in any home regardless of light level. Although this plant prefers bright, indirect sunlight, the Philodendron also does well in medium-light conditions. Unfortunately, the Philodendron does not do well with low light, so it’s best to keep this plant near a north or east-facing window to ensure it gets enough light to photosynthesize. To ensure your Philodendron stays happy and healthy, we recommend keeping it in a pot with rich but well-draining soil and watering about once a week.


Calathea plants are best known for their wild leaves. In fact, it’s the leaves that make these plants ideal for medium to low light conditions. With such delicate coloring and patterns, direct sunlight can easily damage Calathea’s leaves, preventing them from photosynthesizing. Available in a variety of colors and variegations, the Calathea genus is large and versatile. You’ll generally need a large pot, well-draining soil, and cooler temperatures (around 60 degrees Fahrenheit) to keep this plant happy.

Parlor Palm

The Bella Palm is a beautiful addition to any home with its thin, vibrant leaves and little yellow flowers. When given proper attention, this plant can grow quite large and live for decades– as long as it doesn’t get too much sunlight. Best in medium light conditions, the Bella Palm is sensitive to direct sunlight and requires a bit more care than other houseplants on this list. To keep your Parlor Palm contented, use well-draining potting soil and water about once a week when your soil starts to lose its moisture.


As our final variety on this list, Dracaena plants are a perfect example of a surprisingly low-light houseplant. Although these plants come from tropical areas, Dracaenas require low to medium sunlight and well-draining soil, similar to a succulent. Dracaenas are also quite hardy and can withstand various temperatures and periods of drought. However, you should still water it at least once a week. For best results, consider keeping your Dracaena near a north-facing window or in the corner of a room, where it won’t risk sunburn.

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