
Totem Pole for Houseplants: What Is It and How to Use It?

  • 6 min read

Totem pole for houseplants, trailing plants with totem pole, how to use plant totem pole

Climbing and trailing plants are the darlings of indoor gardens. They hold a special place in the hearts of plant enthusiasts across the globe. Their enchanting qualities and sheer visual allure set them apart from other houseplants. These green friends gracefully spill from shelves, drape down walls, and bring a special charm into any interior design. They're the ultimate space-saving houseplants. They soften and rejuvenate living spaces and effortlessly fit into even the tiniest corners, making them the ideal companion for modern apartments where space is scarce and precious. 

If you're into these climbing and trailing wonders, you might have seen pictures of them on moss or coir poles. These are commonly known as plant totem poles, and they do more than just provide support. These poles hold the secret to unlocking the full potential of your green companions, fostering growth, and adding a touch of botanical magic to your indoor oasis. With them, your indoor garden can reach new heights of beauty and vitality.

What Is A Totem Pole?

A totem pole or moss pole is a tall, vertical structure commonly used in gardening and plant care, particularly for climbing and vining plants. It serves as a support system for these plants, allowing them to grow upward and providing stability. Totem poles can be made from various materials, including moss, coir (coconut fiber), or natural branches. These materials mimic the plant's natural environment, where they would naturally cling to trees or other structures as they grow.

The primary purpose of a totem pole is to encourage plants to develop their natural climbing or trailing habit. Many climbing plants, such as certain types of philodendrons and pothos, produce aerial roots that seek support. When these roots come into contact with a totem pole, they attach themselves to it, helping the plant grow upward.

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Totem pole will make your plants more attractive.

How Many Types Of Totem Poles?

Based on your plants' needs and the style that you prefer, there are three main types of totem poles that can be used for your plants:
  • Moss Totem Pole: Made from a core of moss, typically sphagnum moss, enclosed in a mesh or netting, moss totem poles can retain moisture, creating a humid environment that encourages healthy root growth and prevents drying out. They also offer an attractive, rustic appearance, making them suitable for epiphytic plants like certain philodendrons and monstera.
  • Coir Totem Pole: Made from coconut fiber (coir) with a natural, textured surface, coir totem poles are durable and long-lasting, even in moist conditions. They provide strong support for climbing plants and work well with a wide range of species.
  • Natural Branch Totem Pole: Made from natural tree branches, often hardwoods like ironwood, natural branch totem poles offer sturdy support and are environmentally friendly as they repurpose natural materials. 
totem poles for plant, moss poles for houseplant, moss poles for trailing plants, what is totem poles
Totem Pole is particularly used for trailing and vining plants

Totem Poles vs Trellis and Stakes

Totem poles, trellises, and stakes all serve as supports for climbing plants, the key distinctions lie in their materials, functions, and aesthetics. Totem poles are typically constructed from natural materials like moss, coir (coconut fiber), or natural branches. These materials create a supportive structure with a distinct organic appearance. Totem poles primarily serve as both support structures and microenvironments for climbing plants. They encourage plants to grow upward while providing stability. Additionally, the moss or coir used in totem poles can retain moisture, creating a humid environment around the plant. Totem poles often have a rustic and earthy look, adding a natural, authentic touch to indoor gardens. On the other hand, trellises and stakes can be made from a variety of materials, including metal, wood, or plastic. Metal trellises are common in outdoor gardening. Their primary function is to provide vertical support, helping plants grow upward and preventing them from sprawling on the ground. Trellises and stakes offer a wide range of design options, from simple grids to intricate patterns, allowing for customization based on aesthetic preferences. 

Why Should You Use Totem Poles?

Totem poles offer several benefits when used in gardening and plant care, particularly for climbing and vining plants. Here are the key advantages of using totem poles:

  • Support for Climbing Plants: Totem poles provide vertical support for climbing and trailing plants, allowing them to grow upward. This helps prevent the plants from sprawling or becoming entangled on the ground, promoting a more organized and attractive appearance.
  • Encourages Natural Growth Habits: Many climbing plants exhibit a natural tendency to climb and attach themselves to vertical surfaces. Totem poles replicate their natural environment, encouraging plants to display their natural growth habits, including the development of aerial roots.
  • Enhanced Aerial Root Growth: Climbing plants often produce aerial roots along their stems, which seek out surfaces to cling to for support. Totem poles create an ideal surface for these roots to attach to, promoting their growth and stability.
  • Healthier and Fuller Plants: When climbing plants are supported by totem poles, they tend to develop a more upright and bushy growth habit. This can lead to the production of larger, more lush foliage, resulting in healthier and more attractive plants.
  • Space Utilization: Totem poles allow for the efficient use of vertical space in your indoor or outdoor garden. This is especially valuable if you have limited floor space but want to grow taller plants.
  • Decorative Element: Many totem poles, such as those made from moss or coir, have a natural and attractive appearance. They can serve as decorative elements in your garden, adding visual interest and enhancing the overall aesthetics of your plant display.

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Climbing plants will develop a more upright and bushy growth when growing with totem pole.

How To Install A Totem Pole

  • Select the Right Location: Choose a location that provides adequate space for your plant to grow vertically. 
  • Prepare the Plant: If you're installing the totem for an existing plant, gently remove it from its current container or support structure. Be careful not to damage the roots or the plant. Prune off damaged parts. 
  • Position the Totem Pole: Insert the totem pole into the pot or the ground next to the plant. Make sure it's positioned securely and vertically. The totem should be at a distance that allows the plant to reach it easily. Be careful not to damage your plant’s root systems. 
  • Secure the Plant: Carefully guide the plant toward the totem pole. If it has aerial roots, encourage them to make contact with the totem by gently attaching them or wrapping them around the pole. Use plant ties or twine to secure the plant in place without causing damage. Ensure the plant is evenly distributed around the totem pole.
  • Water the Totem Pole: Moss or coir totem poles benefit from regular moisture. Use a watering can or spray bottle to keep the totem pole moist, especially the sections where the plant is in contact. Maintaining humidity around the pole encourages the plant to develop more roots and adhere to the totem.
  • Monitor Growth: As your plant grows, you may need to prune and train it to follow the totem's shape. Adjust ties and provide additional support if required. Regularly check the moisture level of the totem, especially in drier indoor environments.

What Plants to Use Totem Poles?

  • Monstera (Monstera deliciosa): Monsteras look wonderful and can grow very well in a totem pole. Using a totem pole also encourages aerial roots to develop and make your plant more vibrant and healthy. 
  • Philodendron: Various philodendron species thrive on totem poles. Ensure the totem is securely anchored in the pot to support the philodendron's growth.
  • Pothos: Pothos is an excellent choice for totem poles due to its vigorous growth. Prune the plant as needed to maintain its shape and prevent it from becoming too top-heavy.
  • Syngonium:Syngoniums are perfect for totem poles. Train their stems to climb the pole and consider using plant ties to secure them initially. You should maintain a consistent humidity level around the pole to encourage root attachment.
  • Ivy: Various ivy species, such as English ivy (Hedera helix), can be grown on totem poles, both indoors and outdoors. 

Extra Tips 

  • Moss and coir totem poles benefit from regular misting or watering to maintain humidity. This is especially important in dry indoor environments.
  • For larger or heavier plants, consider reinforcing the totem pole with stakes or additional support structures to prevent bending or toppling.
  • Keep an eye out for signs of pests that hide in the pole. Early detection and treatment can prevent issues from spreading to other plants in your garden.
  • If you bring your plant outside, consider providing protection during severe weather conditions like strong winds or heavy rain to prevent damage to both the plant and the pole.

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