
How to Care for Maranta Rabbit Tracks Green Prayer Plant

  • 5 min read

How to care for Maranta Green Prayer Plant, How to Care for Maranta Rabbit Tracks Plant, Prayer Plant Care Guide

Belonging to the Marantaceae family, Rabbit Tracks Green Prayer Plant, scientifically known as Maranta leuconeura Kerchoviana, is native to the tropical forests of Brazil. It is widely adored by plant enthusiasts worldwide for its striking foliage. This plant boasts light green leaves with dark patches on either side of the main rib, creating an appearance that closely resembles rabbit tracks, hence the name! An interesting aspect of this plant is that the backs of its leaves have a unique silvery-green color and a closely-lined vein system, making each side of the leaf very unique.

Maranta leuconeura Kerchoviana is called a "prayer plant" because it closes the leaves up at night, resembling hands folded in prayer. This behavior, known as "nyctinasty," is caused by the plant's ability to sense changes in light levels and adjust its leaf orientation accordingly. During the day, the leaves are held horizontally to maximize sun exposure, but at night, they fold up vertically to protect the plant from excessive moisture loss and cool temperatures. 

Although Rabbit Tracks plant and other Maranta varieties may not be the easiest houseplants to care for, they are adaptable and can grow well in most indoor environments if given the right care.

Benefits and Toxicity

Beyond its aesthetic appeal, the Rabbit Tracks Green Prayer Plant has many benefits for indoor spaces. Its air-purifying properties make it an excellent choice for improving indoor air quality. Additionally, its non-toxicpet-friendly nature makes it a safe option for households with children or pets. It allows pet owners to enjoy the beauty of indoor plants without worrying about their furry friends accidentally ingesting something harmful. 

Maranta Green Prayer Plant, Maranta Green Rabbit Tracks, How to Care for Maranta Green, Prayer Plant Care Guide
Maranta Green Rabbit Tracks Prayer Plant is safe for both human and pets.
Photo by CCelia Photo

Moreover, Rabbit Tracks and other Maranta plants can also be great stress relievers. Many scientific studies have shown that caring for plants, such as watering, pruning, and observing their growth, can be a calming and positive meditative experience, leading to better mental health. Therefore, having this plant in your home not only enhances the beauty of your space and creates a peaceful and relaxing environment but also helps to improve your overall well-being. 

General Care


 Rabbit Tracks Green Prayer Plant prefers bright, indirect light. Direct sunlight can scorch its leaves, so it is best to place it in a location with filtered or partially shaded light. If you have a south-facing window, it's recommended to keep the plant at least a few feet away from the window to prevent it from getting too much direct sunlight. Alternatively, you can use a sheer curtain or blinds to diffuse the light. In low light conditions, the plant may become leggy and lose its vibrant colors. If you notice that your Rabbit Tracks plant is not getting enough light, you can move it to a brighter spot or use a grow light. 


To ensure the health of your Rabbit Tracks Green Prayer Plant, it's important to give it the right amount of water. This plant has moderate watering needs, so you should aim to keep the soil consistently moist but not waterlogged. Only water when the topsoil is dry to the touch. When watering, give the plant enough water to thoroughly saturate the soil until the excess water drains out of the bottom of the pot. It's important to empty the saucer to prevent the plant from sitting in standing water. During the winter months, when the plant's growth slows down, you can reduce the amount of water. It is recommended to use only distilled or rainwater at room temperature to prevent temperature shock. 

Maranta Green Prayer Plant, Maranta Green Rabbit Tracks, How to Care for Maranta Green Prayer Plant, Rabbit Tracks Care Guide
Prayer Plant is popular with its nyctinasty.

Soil and Fertilizer

To keep your Rabbit Tracks Green Prayer Plant healthy, providing it with well-draining soil that can retain some moisture without becoming waterlogged is important. It's best to avoid using rich, heavy soils that lock in too much water. You can either opt for high-quality houseplant soil or create your own by combining general potting soil with perlite, peat moss, and orchid bark. Adding organic matter like compost or coconut coir can also enhance the soil's texture, airflow, and moisture retention. Do not use garden soil as it may contain pests, diseases, or fungal spores.

Fertilizing your Rabbit Tracks plant is important to keep it healthy and promote growth. During the growing season, which is typically in spring-summer, you can fertilize the plant once a month using a balanced, water-soluble fertilizer with an NPK of 10-15-10. Follow the manufacturer's instructions to avoid overfertilizing and burning the roots. 

Temperature and Humidity

Rabbit Tracks Green Prayer Plant is hardy in USDA zones 10b to 11. This plant prefers temperatures between 65-80°F during the day and can tolerate cooler temperatures at night (around 60-65°F). It's important to keep the plant away from temperatures before 50°F, cold drafts, and sudden temperature changes, which can cause stress and leaf damage.

Maranta Green Prayer Plant, Maranta Green Rabbit Tracks, How to Care for Maranta Green Prayer Plant, Rabbit Tracks Care Guide
Considering appropriate temperature and humidity to help plant thrive
Photo by Almaje

In terms of humidity, this plant thrives in medium to high humidity levels, ideally between 40-60%. If the air is too dry, the plant's leaves may become brown and crispy at the edges. You can increase humidity by using a humidifier, placing a tray of pebbles and water near the plant, or misting the leaves regularly with room-temperature water. 

Extra Care

Potting and Repotting

Rabbit Tracks should be planted in a pot with at least one drainage hole and made from a porous material like concrete, terracotta, or ceramic. This plant prefers to be slightly root-bound and does well in small to medium-sized pots. When repotting, choose a container that is one size larger than the current pot.

It's best to repot the plant during the growing season, which is in spring or summer, to minimize transplant shock. When repotting, gently loosen the plant's roots and remove any dead or rotting roots. 


Pruning is not necessary, but it can help promote bushier growth and keep your Green Prayer in a neat and compact shape. You can trim back any leggy stems and remove yellow or brown leaves. It's best to use clean, sharp scissors or pruning shears to make clean cuts and to avoid tearing or damaging plant tissues. Pruning should be done during the growing season when the plant is actively growing.


To propagate a Maranta plant like Rabbit Tracks, dividing is the simplest method. The best time to do it is during the growing season when you're repotting the plant. First, carefully take the plant out of its pot and gently loosen the root ball with your fingers, then separate the clumps from the main plant. Make sure each clump has some roots attached to it.

If the clumps do not separate naturally, you can use a clean, sharp knife to cut through the root ball. Once you've divided your plant into several sections, plant each section into fresh soil. To promote root growth, keep the newly potted plants in a warm and humid area and water them regularly.

Common Problems

Some common problems that Rabbit Tracks may encounter include:

  • Leaves losing colors and stems becoming leggy: This is probably caused by insufficient lighting
  • Pests: Common pests that can affect the Rabbit Tracks Green Prayer Plant include spider mites, mealybugs, and scale insects.
  • Root rot: Overwatering or poor drainage can cause root rot, leading to wilting, yellowing, or browning leaves.
  • Stunt growth: This problem may be caused by insufficient lighting and/or depleted, low-quality soil. 

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