
How to Care for Bird’s Nest Fern

  • 6 min read

How to Care for Bird's Nest Fern, Bird's Nest Fern Care Guide

Bird's Nest Ferns (Asplenium nidus) are one special species of indoor plants cherished for their distinctive foliage that resembles a bird's nest. They originate from tropical regions in Southeast Asia, Polynesia, and eastern Australia. What sets Bird's Nest Ferns apart is their natural epiphytic growth habit, meaning they thrive on the surfaces of other plants, like tree branches and trunks, rather than in soil. In their native rainforest habitats, these ferns can be found nestled in the nooks and crannies of trees, capitalizing on the moist and humid conditions prevalent in their surroundings.

While Bird's Nest Ferns belong to a genus that does not typically produce flowers or fruits, their main attraction lies in their lush and vibrant foliage. The fronds of these ferns are big, long, and often have these cool wavy or curvy shapes. They sprout out from the center in a way that's totally eye-catching, like a fountain of greenery. So, even though you won't see any blooms, the lush and vibrant leaves of Bird's Nest Ferns are more than enough to make them a stunning addition to any space.

Bird's Nest Ferns are generally considered to be easy houseplants for beginners. They are known for their adaptability and resilience, making them forgiving and tolerant of a range of indoor conditions. As long as you provide them with the right care, they can thrive and bring beauty to your home.


These ferns are one of the best pet-friendly houseplants. They are considered safe to have around your home, even if you have curious children or pets who might be tempted to explore and interact with them. However, it's always a good practice to keep an eye on pets or small children to prevent any accidental ingestion of plant material, as individual sensitivities and reactions can vary. If you have any specific concerns or if you suspect that someone has ingested a part of the plant and is experiencing adverse symptoms, it's best to consult with a medical professional or veterinarian for proper guidance and advice.

Common types of Bird’s Nest Fern

  •  Crissie Fern: The Crissie Fern, also known as the  Crispy Wave Fern, features crinkled, wavy fronds that give it a unique texture. Its lush, bright green foliage adds a touch of vibrancy to any indoor space.

  • Leslie Fern: The Leslie Fern has broad, arching fronds with finely toothed edges. It is known for its graceful appearance and its ability to tolerate lower light conditions, making it a popular choice for indoor environments.
  • Osaka Fern: The Osaka Fern stands out with its narrower fronds that have a glossy texture. The fronds often exhibit rippled or crinkled edges, adding visual interest to this variety.
  • Lasagne Fern: The Lasagne Fern, also known as the Wavy Lasagne Fern, features broad fronds with undulating, wavy edges. This fern has an attractive cascading growth habit, making it suitable for hanging baskets or as a trailing plant.
Lasage Fern, Bird's Nest Fern, How to care for bird's nest fern, bird's nest fern care guide
Lasagne Fern
Photo by Le Thuy Do
  • Asplenium viviparum, also known as the Mother Fern or Walking Fern, is indeed a unique variety of fern. What sets it apart is its ability to produce small plantlets, called bulbils, on the tips of its fronds. These bulbils are miniature versions of the fern and can eventually grow into independent plants. 
Asplenium viviparum, Bird's Nest Fern, How to care for bird's nest fern, bird's nest fern care guide
Asplenium viviparum
Photo by Victor Aksyonov
  • Silver Wing Fern: The Silver Wing Fern, also known as the Variegated Bird's Nest Fern, stands out with its striking variegated foliage. The fronds have green centers and silvery-white margins, adding a touch of brightness and contrast to the plant.

General Care


Bird's Nest Ferns prefer bright, indirect light but they also thrive in medium to low light conditions, making them well-suited for most indoor places including areas in your home that don't receive direct sunlight or have filtered light. You can put these plants near an east-facing window or a few feet away from a north or west-facing window. It's important to note that direct sunlight can scorch the leaves of Bird's Nest Ferns, so it's best to avoid placing them in direct sunlight. If necessary, you can use a sheer curtain or shade cloth for protection. Pale or yellowish fronds indicate insufficient light, so you should gradually increase brightness if needed. Monitor the plant's response and adjust lighting accordingly for healthy growth.


These plants prefer slightly moist soil, so you can water them about once a week or when the top inch of soil feels dry. Adjust the frequency based on the environmental conditions and the moisture retention of the potting mix. Signs of underwatering include wilted or drooping fronds while overwatering may lead to yellowing fronds or root rot. Before watering, gently touch the top inch of soil to assess its moisture level. If it feels dry, it's time to water. If it's still slightly damp, you can hold off watering for a little longer. Don’t forget to drain all excess water to prevent waterlogged soil. 

Soil and Fertilizer

Bird’s Nest Ferns prefer well-draining, aerated soil that can retain some moisture. Use a high-quality, peat-based potting mix or a mix specifically formulated for ferns. It should have good drainage properties to prevent waterlogging. You can also add organic matter such as compost or leaf mold to enhance moisture retention and nutrient content.

Bird's Nest Ferns have modest fertilizer needs. Feed them with a balanced liquid houseplant fertilizer according to the manufacturer’s instructions. Apply the fertilizer during the growing season, typically from spring to early fall, about once a month. Avoid fertilizing during the winter months or when the plant is in a dormant phase.

Temperature and Humidity

Bird's Nest Ferns thrive in temperatures between 60-75°F so they can grow in most indoor room environments. They are sensitive to cold drafts and temperatures below 50°F so it's essential to keep them away from cold windows or areas with fluctuating temperatures.

In terms of humidity, Bird's Nest Ferns prefer higher humidity levels. Aim for humidity levels between 40% and 60% to provide the optimal conditions for their growth. If the air in your home is dry, especially during winter months, you can increase humidity by using a humidifier, placing the fern on a tray filled with water and pebbles, or misting the foliage regularly.

Bird's Nest Fern plant, How to care for bird's nest fern, bird's nest fern care guide
Bird's Nest Fern prefers high humidity level

It's important to maintain a consistent temperature and humidity level, as sudden changes can cause stress to the ferns and affect their overall health. By providing adequate temperature and humidity, you can create a favorable environment for your ferns to thrive.

Extra Care

Potting and Repotting

When potting or repotting a Bird's Nest Fern (Asplenium nidus), it's important to choose a container with drainage holes to prevent waterlogging. Use a well-draining potting mix, such as a combination of peat moss, perlite, and orchid bark. This will help ensure proper moisture retention without causing the roots to become waterlogged.

When repotting, gently remove the fern from its current pot and carefully separate any crowded or tangled roots. Choose a new pot that is 1 size larger than the previous one, allowing enough room for the roots to spread out. Repotting is typically done every 1-2 years ideally in spring or early summer. Only use fresh, clean soil to prevent diseases. 

Bird's Nest Fern plant, How to Care for Bird's Best Fern, Bird's Nest Fern Care Guide
1 size larger pot is better for Bird's Nest Fern
Photo by retales botijero


Pruning is not typically necessary for Bird's Nest Ferns (Asplenium nidus). However, you can trim off any discolored or damaged fronds to maintain the plant's appearance and overall health. Additionally, removing any dead or dying foliage helps prevent the accumulation of debris and improves air circulation around the plant, reducing the risk of fungal diseases and pests. Pruning can be done at any time of the year as needed. Regularly inspect your Bird's Nest Fern for any signs of discoloration, damage, or dead fronds, and trim them off as necessary. Only use clean and sharp pruning shears or scissors to make the cuts.


Bird's Nest Ferns can be propagated through division or spores.

  • Division: To propagate through division, carefully remove the fern from its pot and examine the root ball. Look for natural divisions or offshoots with their own roots. Gently separate these sections from the main plant, ensuring that each division has enough roots to sustain itself.
  • Spores: Bird's Nest Ferns produce spores on the undersides of mature fronds. When the spores are ripe and turn brown, collect them by placing a paper bag or container under the frond and gently tapping it. Sow the spores onto moist soil. Keep the container covered to maintain humidity and place it in a warm, well-lit location. Mist the surface regularly. Once the spores develop into small ferns, move them into individual pots.

Common Problems

Common problems that may affect Bird's Nest Ferns include:

  • Overwatering: Excessive moisture can lead to root rot and fungal diseases. It's important to allow the top inch of soil to dry out before watering again and avoid letting the plant sit in standing water.
  • Low humidity: Bird's Nest Ferns prefer higher humidity levels. If the air in your home is dry, especially during winter months, it can lead to browning or crisping of the leaf edges. 
  • Insufficient light: Bird's Nest Ferns can tolerate medium to low light conditions, but prolonged periods in very low light conditions may stunt their growth and cause pale, yellowing, or leggy fronds.
  • Pest infestations: Bird's Nest Ferns can be susceptible to common houseplant pests such as mealybugs, scale insects, and spider mites. 
  • Brown or yellowing fronds: This can be caused by various factors, including overwatering, underwatering, low humidity, or excessive sunlight. 

Watch the video below to learn more about how to care for Bird's Nest Fern

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